Obituary Jean Bernabé
Jean Bernabé, the renowned Martinican linguist and writer, passed away on April, 12 2017 after a prolonged illness.
Bernabé was one of the most important figures in the domain of Creole Studies and therefore leaves a large gap within research communities of the whole world.
The professor emeritus of the University of the French West Indies was the founder of the GEREC (Groupe d’études et de recherches en espace créolophone, afterwards Groupe d’études et de recherches en espace créole et francophone (GEREC-F) and today Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Lettres, Langues, Arts et Sciences Humaines (CRILLASH)), which is an important international und transdisciplinary research group dedicating their work to the creole language and culture in the area of Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana. It is thanks to Jean Bernabé that the University has opened its doors for a bachelor and a master in Creole. One further achievement of the GEREC was the establishment of the CAPES de créole, a pedagogical certificate that allows high school teachers to teach Creole.
However, his work is not restricted to linguistics. Through the influential publication of the Éologe de la Créolité with his colleagues and friends Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant, Bernabé marked the concept of a Creole identity and culture significantly. Until his last publication La Dérive identitariste (2016), he worked on possible approaches to come to terms with the complex colonial past.
Jean Bernabé was regarded as an eloquent and determined person who was always acting in the interest of the community. He leaves a wife, two children, and three grandchildren. From October 25th to 27th, 2017, the CRILLASH (Université des Antilles) is holding the international colloquium Tracées de Jean Bernabé on his behalf.
Find enclosed further links concerning his life and work: