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EXTENDED DEADLINE CfP Socare Symposium “Governance and Rights: Law, Religion, and Sexuality in Caribbean Literature and Culture”

Venue: University of Salzburg Organizers: Christopher F. Laferl, Ralph Poole, Philipp Seidel Date: 23 – 25 November 2017 The Caribbean is distinguished for its great political and cultural diversity, which not only is discernable by various languages, but also by the multiplicity of religions, social norms and values, and legal systems. Although Latin America continues […]

New journal: CariCen

CariCen, un esfuerzo académico generado desde la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM, se propone fortalecer el conocimiento y la difusión del análisis y los debates sobre el Caribe y Centroamérica, construir un espacio en donde se aborden los problemas contemporáneos por los que atraviesan estas sociedades, con un enfoque integral, multi […]

Announcement: Gary Victor in Trier

VHS Trier | 20.03.2017 | 19:00 Uhr | Domfreihof (Raum 05) | Eintritt frei In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Litradukt Verlag und der Volkshochschule laden Dr. Christine Felbeck und Prof. Dr. Andre Klump vom America Romana Centrum der Universität Trier zu einer zweisprachigen Lesung des haitianischen Schriftstellers Gary Victor ein. Die Veranstaltung ist der vierte Teil […]

New arrival: Felbeck & Klump (2017): Dominicanidad / Dominicanity Perspectivas de un concepto (trans-)nacional / Perspectives on a (trans-)national concept

With about 20 articles from researchers from Europe, the United States and the Dominican Republic, this interdisciplinary and international volume offers a current panorama of the research on dominicanity as a (trans-)national concept in global, insular and national contexts. The studies are largely a result of a congress organized by the America Romana Centrum (ARC) of […]

CfP Socare Symposium “Governance and Rights: Law, Religion, and Sexuality in Caribbean Literature and Culture”

Venue: University of Salzburg Organizers: Christopher F. Laferl, Ralph Poole, Philipp Seidel Date: 23 – 25 November 2017   The Caribbean is distinguished for its great political and cultural diversity, which not only is discernable by various languages, but also by the multiplicity of religions, social norms and values, and legal systems. Although Latin America […]

Call for Entries VI International Colloquium The Cultural Diversity in the Caribbean “Memory and Border Conflicts” Centro de Estudios del Caribe, Casa de las Américas May 22-26, 2017

La Casa de las Américas, a través de su Centro de Estudios del Caribe, lo invita a participar en el Coloquio Internacional La Diversidad Cultural en el Caribe, a celebrarse entre el 22 y el 26 mayo de 2017. En su sexta edición, el evento se propone abordar las diversas aristas que genera el tema […]

“Dancehall und Homophobie. Postkoloniale Blicke auf die Geschichte und Kultur Jamaikas” Thursday, December 8, 2016 (16:00-17:30, Hörsaal XII, Hauptgebäude, Universität zu Köln)

Dr. Patrick Helber analysiert die mediale Kontroverse um Dancehall-Musik und Homophobie aus dem Jahr 2004 und ordnet sie in den historischen, politischen und kulturellen Kontext des postkolonialen jamaikanischen Staates ein. Neben einem Blick auf die Geschichte der Insel beleuchtet er die Widerstandskulturen von den Maroons und den Rastafari bis zu den »Gangstern« der zeitgenössischen Dancehall-Musik. […]

Université d’été „Littératures caribéennes et globalisation“ — Escuela de Verano „Literaturas caribeñas y globalización“ — Summer School Caribbean „Literature and Globalisation“

full CfP including french and spanish version: cfp_summer-school_carib_fr_esp_eng-1   Since the initial phase of accelerated globalisation, the Caribbean has been affected by the clash of Amerindian, European and African cultures. Added to these later on were Asian and North American cultures, making the Caribbean a unique place in the study of hybridisation, creolisation and transculturation […]