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UAA 46th Annual Conference in San Diego, California

The Urban Affairs Association, the international professional organization for urban scholars, researchers, and public service professionals, will be hosting its 46th Annual Conference in San Diego, California, and will have a Special Track on Urban Issues in South & Central America and the Caribbean.

Obituary Seymour Menton (1927-2014)

Please find attached an Obituary of Seymour Menton, Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Latin American Literature at UC Irvine, who passed away in March 2014, written by Kathleen Gyssels. Seymour Menton_De la neue sachlickeit au mr menton mort en mars 2014.pdf

Juniorresearch Workshop 22-24 January 2015

«Cultures of Resistance? Theories and Practices of Transgression in the Caribbean and its Diasporas» Location: January 22-24, 2015 at Bielefeld University/Germany Organizers:  Junior Research Team of the Society for Caribbean Research (Socare) Conference Languages: English, French and Spanish Contact:  juniorresearch@caribbeanresearch.net

Membership Fee

Dear Socare Members, Following the unanimous decision of the last General Assembly on 1 November 2013, we would like to inform you that the new membership fees as per 2014 are Regular membership fee:        30 Euro Student membership fee:        15 Euro Should you have questions regarding these fees, please do not hesitate to contact us. […]

Junior Research Workshop

Socare’s biannual Junior Research Workshops provide an opportunity for doctoral and postdoctoral candidates in Caribbean Studies and related fields to present their projects and to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with and receive feedback from both junior and experienced scholars. Their aim is to further the cooperation and networking of researchers within Caribbean Studies both regionally […]

Call for Papers

Locating Guyane: a two-day, interdisciplinary conference at the University of London Institute in Paris, 10-11 July 2014 French Guiana (Guyane française), overseas department of France in equatorial South America and ‘ultraperipheral region’ of the EU, consists of a land area equivalent to that of a European country, though boasts a population that would barely people […]

Becas de viaje Díaz-Ayala 2014

The Diaz-Ayala Library Travel Grant provides funding for scholars to travel to FIU to conduct research using the Diaz-Ayala Music collection housed in FIU Special Collections. The deadline for submittal is March 1st.

Publikation: Singler, Christoph. GÉNESIS DE LA PINTURA. LA OBRA PARISINA DE GUIDO LLINÁS, Valencia: Aduana Vieja, 2013, 282 páginas

Christoph Singler hat die erste künstlerische Biographie des kubanischen Malers und Druckgrafikers Guido Llinás verfasst, die 2013 bei Aduana Vieja in Valencia erschienen ist. Llinás (Kuba, 1923 – Frankreich, 2005) ist vor allem als Gründungsmitglied von Los Once, einer kubanischen Avantgardegruppe aus den 1950ern. Die Monographie über sein Werk im Exil (das in den 1960ern […]


Vollversammlung der Socare Am 01. November 2013 findet die Vollversammlung der Gesellschaft für Karibikforschung am Romanischen Seminar der Leibniz Universität Hannover statt. Der Vorstand freut sich darauf, möglichst viele Mitglieder und Interessierte zu treffen. Die Vollversammlung soll genutzt werden, um uns über den Stand der Karibikforschung auszutauschen und Aktivitäten zu bündeln. Ort: Romanisches Seminar, Leibniz […]